Nancy B. Jefferson:Champion for equal rights and equal access
Nancy B. Jefferson Alternative School provides high quality educational programming to meet the diverse educational and social/emotional needs of court-detained youths. We strive to balance and coordinate our educational focus with the goals and objectives of the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center, Cook County Juvenile Court system and Chicago Public Schools.
Nancy B. Jefferson Alternative School provides high quality educational programming to meet the diverse educational and social/emotional needs of court-detained youths. We strive to balance and coordinate our educational focus with the goals and objectives of the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center, Cook County Juvenile Court system and Chicago Public Schools
Our school's motto echoes the title of the powerful guide to building successful and sustainable schools, as developed by Dr. Alan M. Blankenstein. Building on a foundation that identifies courageous school leadership and the professional learning community as the center of effective school reform, NBJ implements this model’s six guiding principles:
Principle 1: Developing a foundation of shared mission, vision, and goals
Principle 2: Ensuring positive outcomes for all students, including differentiated instructions and necessary supports
Principle 3: Creating professional teams focused on collaborative, standards-based instruction
Principle 4: Implementing data-driven decision making
Principle 5: Engaging family, community, and other stakeholders in the school
Principle 6: Building leadership capacity